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Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be written in English and adhere to proper grammar and terminology. Only one submission per manuscript is allowed, resulting in one submission ID number. Submitting the same manuscript multiple times may result in its rejection. Additionally, a cover letter with the copyright agreement (please see the template) should accompany the manuscript.
English Language Writing
Authors who are not native English speakers should ensure that their manuscript is written in fluent English before submitting it. Please write your text in proper English, either American or British, but not a combination of both.
The authors may choose between an independent English editing service, a colleague/peer, or our own English editing services.
In the first two cases, a certificate or written statement confirming that the manuscript has been proofread by a proficient speaker must be provided to the Editorial Office. Should the author opt for our English editing service, the task will be performed immediately after receiving the finalized manuscript from the authors. Our English editing charges are as follows:
New Submissions
The submission process for the Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is completely online. Authors will receive step-by-step guidance on how to create and upload their manuscript files. Authors should submit their manuscript as a single file that will be used during the refereeing process. This file can be a Word document (*.doc or *.docx) that referees can use to evaluate the manuscript. It is important to include all figures, tables, and supplementary data within the main manuscript file.
Please include a references list in the Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities format as specified in the manuscript template.
Formatting requirements
Manuscripts should be formatted in accordance with the journal template. It is important for all manuscripts to include certain essential elements to effectively convey the content: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Author Contributions, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgement, as well as any necessary artwork and tables with captions.
Revised Submissions
Revised manuscripts should be submitted in the journal format, with highlighted changes, and accompanied with point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments in a separate Word file. In your responses, please be as specific as possible.
Manuscript Submission and Verification
Manuscripts should not have been published before and should not be under consideration by any other journal.
Authorship Criteria
Authorship should only be given to individuals who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research (maximum 6 authors). Just funding acquisition or supervising the research group is not enough to be considered an author. Honorary authorship is not acceptable.
1) All authors must have made a substantial direct academic contribution to at least two of the four main components of a typical scientific article:
a) Conceptualization and methodology.
b) Collecting and processing data.
c) Analyzing and interpreting the data.
d) Writing substantial sections of the article, such as synthesizing findings in the literature review or the results section.
2) All authors must have critically reviewed multiple drafts of the paper and approved the final version.
3) All authors must be able to defend the paper as a whole.
Order of Authors
1) The first author is the person who has made the main contribution to the article and/or has taken the lead in writing it.
2) The first author, in consultation with the other authors, should usually make decisions about who should be an author, the authors’ order, and who should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.
3) Those who have made a significant contribution to the analysis or writing (beyond just commenting on drafts) should be listed immediately after the first author. If there is a clear difference in the amount of these contributions, the order of these authors should reflect that.
4) All other authors who meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in alphabetical order based on their surnames.
5) If all the authors believe they have contributed equally to the article, this should be noted in the Author Contributions section.
Submission Preparation Checklist
Authors must ensure that their submissions comply with the following items during the submission process. Failure to adhere to them may result in the return of the submission to the authors.
Copyright Notice
The copyright is retained by the author(s).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
Istanbul Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is an open access journal with a publication fee of 50 EUR per accepted article to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management.
There are no submission charges for the journal.